Funny You Should Visit
I'm not lazy, I'm just in energy-saving mode.

I'm not lazy, I'm just in energy-saving mode.

Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance - Confucius

Democrats: How Low Can They Go?

3/24/2025 - It’s pretty sad that the Democrats’ focus is almost exclusively on fighting President Trump and his agenda. Never mind that Trump’s actions are mostly beneficial to Americans.

You’d think the Democrats would present some past accomplishments or recommendation that turned into great benefits to Americans, just to show up Trump and demonstrate how their agenda is superior. But they have nothing. They are just full of anger and animosity toward anything connected to Trump. Democrats are no longer a political party; they’ve turned into a malicious, spiteful mob.

The Arrest of Mahmoud Khalil

3/10/2025 - The arrest of Mahmoud Khalil, a Palestinian activist and Columbia University graduate, is welcome news and long overdue.

For Khalil and others to rally in support of the murdering butchers of Hamas is not free speech. The terrorist who commit their barbaric atrocities do not grow in a vacuum. They are emboldened by those who support them. The abhorrent message of hate filled rallies are also felt here in the U.S. Columbia collage itself has experienced violence as a result. It is no one's right to disturb or destroy the lives of others, whether it's through guns or speech.

It's time to differentiate between true free speech and speech that is intended to, and does in fact, incite violence. Rallying in support of terrorists is an evil and nefarious act in itself and should never be tolerated.

Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen Colbert
Are a Disgrace

It's amazing how TV hosts Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen Colbert still don't get it -- they LOST! They've been making fun of Donald Trump for years. Trump won reelection by a landslide. The joke is on these mindless hosts. What world are they living in? Trump is a billionaire who has built a real estate empire, he became president twice, and he had a top rated TV show. A human being can't excel much further than this. So we have two moron hosts who are nothing but two-bit entertainers with dwindling audiences who are still making fun of Trump?! And they're not even funny.

Every now and then these boob-head morons give their critiques on Trump's words and activities. Really. Their criticism of Trump is like a car mechanic criticizing Lagonda Global Holdings for the way they build high-end cars like the Aston Martin. How stupid and arrogant is it for these two boob-heads to think that their opinions, based on a total lack of any real life experience, have any value when directed at such a highly accomplished person as Donald Trump.

Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen Colbert should hide their faces in shame. They're a disgrace!

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