Gun Violence

There Is A Practical Solution

May 24, 2022 - The problem with gun violence "solutions" is that a real practical solution isn't being investigated with the same scientific strategy as other problems.

With the Covid virus, for example, we investigated things like it's origin, how it spreads, who is most susceptible, etc. Despite the strong objections from many people, we've had mandates to wear masks, social distancing, lockdowns, quarantines, vaccinations and boosters. While not everything the CDC recommended necessarily worked, but it was at least a somewhat logical, scientific approach.

The "solutions" being recommended to curtail gun violence is, to use Covid as an analogy, like ordering more ventilators and hospital beds and not bothering to investigate how and why people are getting sick.

It's well known that there are neighborhoods and cultures that experience virtually no gun violence. It would not take much of an investigation to determine what these cultures have in common. What they have in common most often is that they raise kids with moral values. In public school they teach kids such useless nonsense like Critical Race Theory and gender identity. Why not teach them something that will be a benefit to themselves, their parents and the rest of society: moral values? Sure there would be objections. But, "for the greater good," objections didn't stop the government from mandating kids to stay home during Covid, then to wear masks to school, and locking down businesses and houses of worship. So if teaching kids moral values is proven to prevent some kids from becoming mass murderers, why isn't this mandated for "the greater good?"

There's a good reason. If politicians pressed for an education system that includes moral values, it would make a mockery of their own lives and the lives of many of their constituents.

That politicians, especially on the left, are corrupt is well known. Although there are many examples, probably the most egregious one is the fraudulent hoax of the "Russian Collusion" investigation by lawmakers in the highest echelons of our government. Furthermore, there are millions of people who sided with these government crooks, knowing full well at the time, and certainly when the sham was over, that there was no truth to those allegations of collusion? Apparently, there's a serious chunk of the American public that has no regard for truth and honesty.

So you expect these politicians and parents to press for an education system that includes moral values when they themselves have not a shred of it? Not a chance. The violence reversing itself while the general population remains at its moral status quo, is not very likely to happen; where would young kids suddenly get a moral conscience from? They won't. You can only take so many guns off the streets, and you can't put police on every corner. But a conscience "polices" a person wherever he is.

Josh Greenberger